UUUC Social Justice Council

UUUC SOCIAL JUSTICE COUNCIL is a consortium of members and consolidation of work to create a strategic approach to meeting the needs of the community, providing education & engagement, and coordinating efforts to create larger community change by being good stewards of time, talent, and financial support. The Council consists of work in the following areas: Advocacy, Anti-Racism, Social Action, and LGBTQIA2+ Welcoming Congregation.

The Council meets for 90 minutes on the first Sunday of the month after service during the church year. During the meetings, we take time to

(1) celebrate accomplishments,

(2) express gratitude for work being done,

(3) discuss local, regional, state and national issues related to social justice, and

(4) plan events, projects, activities that members can be involved in and identify opportunities with our partner


The Council also puts together a monthly newsletter that is available in paper copy and linked on the website.

Our values and mission are in line with the social justice work being organized by the United Unitarian Association (UUA), the values outlined in Article 2, and our own UUUC mission.
